Cottages 4 Country Care partners with Herd Of Hope

Anyone driving past the Royal Adelaide Hospital on 6 May might have been puzzled to see cows and horses grazing in the park next door. Cottages 4 Country Care, winner of one of our $100,000 high impact grants last               year, partnered with Herd Of Hope, to host a fun event to create awareness and raise much needed           funds for their work providing support for transplant recipients and donor families from rural and regional               areas. 

Cottages 4 Country Care provides homelike accommodation to rural people who need medical treatment or those who have family members accommodated in city hospitals, a large number of whom are donor recipients.       

Both organisations are small, completely voluntary, totally awesome, and doing big things. Please support them in any way you can.

For more detail or to donate, please go to Herd of Hope  and Cottages 4 Country Care